Wednesday, September 26, 2012

3 Eating Guidelines for Better Weight Loss Results

You’re what you eat, period. Therefore, if you really want to lose the extra pounds and keep them off for good, you need to follow the right diet guidelines. Here are a few that can help:

Plan ahead

Planning ahead your energy intake can help you scramble better when you’re feeling hungry, thus prevent overeating and weight gain. Therefore, make sure to use a diet journal on a daily basis; plan out thoroughly when you are going to eat and where. Don’t let hunger dictate your eating choices; otherwise, expect more setbacks.

Eat Often

A Swedish study of more than 3000 people found that people who ate more than 3 times day, have a lower body index than those who skipped meals as means for weight loss. As a result, aim for at least 4 meals per day, every 3-4 hours apart. Doing so can help you keep metabolism running high while preventing hunger pangs.

Don’t drink sugar

People who drink sugary beverages are more likely to develop obesity and other health problems. Therefore, make sure to substitute unhealthy drinking habits with healthier ones such as herbal tea, more water, and fruit juice but in moderation.

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