Monday, July 2, 2012

Cardio for Weight Loss: How to Eat, Part II

Today I have another guideline that can help you get to your desired body weight while still enjoying and getting the most out of your cardio sessions:
Develop good eating habits
If you want to lose the extra weight for good, then you need to cultivate good eating habits for the long term. Otherwise, you’ll gain back all the weight you’ve lost in spite of your efforts. Proper eating is critical for weight loss and performance.
Here are a few eating habits you need to develop:
-          Drink more water. By keeping your body well hydrated throughout the day, you won’t be mistaking thirst for hunger, and thus you’ll feel less hungry. In addition, water lowers the amount of fat stored in your body while boosting your mood and physical performance throughout the day.

-          Feed you temptations once in awhile. When you embark on the weight loss path, expect to go off course and indulge every now and then. Don’t be a perfectionist or take your weight loss resolution too seriously. Sometimes (and on planned schedules) go ahead and have that slice of pizza or doughnut. Give yourself the permission to have these snacks.

-          Keep track. When you keep track of everything you put in your mouth, you become your own nutrition detective; you know what’s taking you down and what’s actually helping to get to your desired destination.

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