Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cardio for Weight Loss: How to Eat, Part: I

If you’re looking to shed your extra pounds for good, then a cardio training regime is the way to go. Cardio training programs such as running, cycling, and swimming are very effective at burning fat and helping you slim down.
Not only that, cardio training on a regular basis will boost your fitness level, enhance your mood, build your stamina and muscle mass, and enhance your overall well being.
To get to the maximum out of your weight loss cardio program, you need to properly address your nutrition needs. Proper diet is critical for long-term results.
Hereis an eating guideline that can help you get to your desired body weight while still enjoying and getting the most out of your cardio sessions:
Don’t shock your system:
Many fitness enthusiasts embark on the weight loss journey with a sense of overexcitement. As a result, many choose to skip meals and rev up the cardio hoping to accelerate the weight loss process. This is a big mistake and one that usually leads to a myriad of health troubles.
Shocking your system this way forces your body to enter into starvation mode by holding onto fat and slowing your metabolism levels. Thus your body willburn fewer calories per minute than before. This usually leads to weight loss plateaus (or even weight gain), extreme fatigue, and lossofenthusiasmto continue your workout plan.
Therefore, make sure to keep up your metabolism throughout the day. You can do this by eating five to six small meals, every three to four hours. Don’t go for more than 4 hours without a meal.
By doing this, you’ll keep the starvation response at bay and will have the needed energy to exercise and perform at your best. Aim to eat a healthy mix of complex carbs, lean protein, and healthy fats.
Also, plan your meals around your workouts; eat 2-3 hours before a workout and immediately afterwards to replenish your body and speed up recovery so you’ll be ready for your next workout.

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