Stress and being overweight are intimately interconnected. When faced with stress, your brain releases the hormone cortisol, which regulates energy by moving your fat stores from one place to another. Cortisol also helps your fat cells to grow up and mature.
Therefore, when being in high stress conditions, this cortisol hormone can stand in the way of your success toward weight loss success.
Here some tips to help you reduce the stress and lost the weight
Weight Loss Program and Stress
Don’t let your weight loss program be the source of the stress. Losing weight should be about enhancing your life quality, not the other way around. Unfortunately, many embark on this quest for weight loss with extra enthusiast and unrealistic expectations only to get frustrated and disappointed when hitting a setback. This will only lead to stress and further weight gain.
Therefore, you should strive for realistic and achievable weight loss goals and be flexible enough to change course when what you’re doing is not yielding the desired results.
Breathe Easily
A big sigh of breath can help you steer clear of the stress. If you used to breathing form your upper chest, then no wonder why you been feeling all stressed out. In stead, you should aim at breathing from your diaphragm to fully oxygenate your blood; this can help you relax almost instantly.
To breath deeply, start by putting your hand on your lower abdomen. Then inhale slowly through your nose and watch your hand move out as your belly inflates. Hold the breath for couple of seconds, then repeat it several times until you feel the stress slowly leaving your body