Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How to Develop Sculpted and Stronger Arms

Most fitness enthusiasts embark on strength training path in order to develop more sculpted arms and show off the bulk whenever possible. Therefore, to sculpt stronger and leaner triceps and biceps, it helps to arm yourself with right know-hows about the right things to doing so.

Here are 3 tips for more sculpted and bigger arms :

1-      Train the Arms a Maximum of Twice Per Week

Your arm muscles are more prone to suffer  from overtraining than other muscles of the body, since they are working extra hard during pushing and pulling  movements—especially if you cross train.
 Nonetheless, many fitness enthusiasts think that aiming for 4 arm strength sessions per week is the best way to doing so. Unfortunately, you will be shooting yourself in the foot and running the risk of overtraining and injury. 

In stead, you should stick to 1 to 2 arm workouts per week so you can allow for enough rest time they need to grow stronger and bigger. Recovery is key.

2-      Train Them to the Overload

If you want your arms to grow and strengthen, you need to train them hard and reach overload by pushing them to failure and beyond. The more intense your session is, the better results you get. Don’t be mindless and just go through the motions, instead you should focus on every set and squeeze out every last rep.

3-      Never sacrifice form

As soon as you notice your form starting to go south, you should stop and reevaluate your weights and training methods. Bad training form will only lead to bad training consequences and mediocre results.
If you are using too heavy weights (and want to be show off at the gym), you are only training your ego and actually be sacrificing form for performance. And this wont help you develop stronger and bigger arms. 

As a result, you should keep a keen eye on your training form throughout the session and use the feedback you get from other training partners or just the mirror; it’s there for a reason.


  1. Fantastic blog dude thanks a lot for this!

  2. Good post, I especially like No. 3. "The weights are simply a means to an end", as Arnold Schwarzenegger would say. For example, using too heavy a weight on a bicep curl will force you to swing your hips, lessening the tension on the biceps. At best, your biceps don't work as hard as they could. At worst, you injure yourself. Either way, your arms won't get as sculpted or as strong as they could be with a more appropriate weight.
