Wednesday, November 16, 2011

3 More Tips on Losing Belly Fat

Belly fat is a nightmare to anyone who wants to get into better and sexier shape. This stubborn abdominal fat can a be a real annoyance and a health challenge to most people.
Fortunately, here some of the good ways to get rid yourself of stomach fat

1.         Trim down to your Healthy Weight

getting rid of belly fat is no easy trip, but you can eliminate it by reducing of your overall body fat. No matter how much crunches you can pull off, if your body mass index is high, your abs will be hidden under the layers of fat and you will be actually overweight and not looking up to your real potential. Therefore, a good belly fat loss program should aim at reducing the overall fat deposit on the body.

2.         Avoid Stress

That’s easier said than done, nonetheless, many scientists are keen on the link between stress levels and belly fat. For instance, heightened cortisol levels in blood— which is the result of stress—seem to react with the body’s insulin to create visceral abdominal fat, and when on overstress, it drive us toward fatty and unhealthy foods. Hence the hunger pangs.

Now you know why you feel extra hungry to grab that donut after a stressful day. Therefore, staying stress-free can help you prevent this problem and get rid of it for good. Take a good look at your lifestyle and aim to eliminate or reduce stress inducers for good.

3.         Give Up the Cigarettes and the Beer

Do you believe that smoking can help you stay stress-free and thin ? well think again. In fact, both habits are major causes in increasing cortisol levels in your body, thus making of you a worse case and a harbinger to stress and fat.

 I know, getting rid of these bad habits all at once is no easy task, nonetheless reducing your cigarette and beer intake can help in so many ways.

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